
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 0 comments
1)you lost yourself for so long.
when you appear to me is for using me.
what else can make you come to me besides that, friend betrayer??!
what you know about me?
what i like? 
you don't know a single thing! you can't just make a conclusion about me!
who are you to describe me?
who are you to critic me??????!!!
i somtimes did wondered, do you guys remember me,this friend???
you faced problem you come to me. i tried to help all i could.
but now i am tired..real tired for keep helping you like this but you don't appreciate!

2)stop your ego-ness. being in a bunch of friends and starts to gossip about 'others'
is so-not-a-friend. your fake smile i know. acting to be close to me but actually you talk behind me.
what-a-faker! don't praise if you don' mean it. cause i know is fake. if you don't want to say a hi,then don't say. don't force yourself to do that. is annoying to see that.

3)you never listen to my situation. i am just a friend for fun? you know for fun? duh~
maybe i am not as rich as you. but i own my money with my both hands. i work for that money.
i am proud to spend it. you can boast about it for now but not forever. you don't like to go out with me cause i have the spending money limits. it sucks right?? fine then.loser friend.

4) so what if you already have a boyfriend? or a girlfriend? you can't just abandon your friend like that?
you.please go bother your girlfriend. you keep contact with me once in a while if that still counted as contacting?! cause you are not saying something good to me. what you said to me is annoying and is bothering me. if like that , i rather choose you not contacting me than get hurt like this. girlfriend, if you wanna support your bf, go ahead. but not to me. when you have problems with him, you called me. you don't , then you will just disappear. both of you sucks!!

those are my 4 types of friends.I have enough liaaww! lets stop everything now.
because of you all i cried alone. you said things that hurt me i still try to keep the smile on my face.
i never heard a word SORRY for you all before. please refresh, i am the one who keep saying sorry although is not my fault or is my fault. but when you guys did wrongs, did you all apologize to me? the answer is NO!! you all are giving me the face that will make me losing you guys. that is what keeping me to apologize.
think back, when you guys did mentioned the word "SORRY" to me??? tell me when?

i just don't know why i burst my feelings today in here. who else i could rely on? nobody willing to listen.
我觉得我已经在忍了......可是我到底能忍多久??? 我非常失望!!
serious~i envy those people who can have their best friends till they died. how they maintain that friendship? i am curious. 
very curious.............................................


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