Wednesday, April 7, 2010 0 comments

i have no idea why my lips turn that colour.
editor brightness fault.
macam buat opera??
*this picture i look bit scary and OLD!*
please ignore the yong sui me.
main purpose of these 3 pictures is to try the new photo editor for pimples.
i guess i am not successfully done it.cause pimples still can be seen clearly on my face.
superb hate!
and i tried a thick eyeliner on too!
i am very broke now.
Starbucks and movies today are costly! fml.
i am suppose to spend my time at MCDeesss.
due to the no-electricity-in-mua-house, i planned to go for air-conditioner place.
met up with ZeLing and her sister who going for CLASH OF TITANS,i changed my plan.
LMAO. i know. am cutting down my expenses for the following week.

kkaay, done with the updates, am going to continue with online movies again.



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