♥ The New Gadgets. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011 2 comments
Here i am today. Not blogging about food. Yeah , so that hunger don't hunt you guys at this time. hmm.
I am here to share my new loves. I am so in love with my new gadgets and applications. I got my Baby HD2 some new baju in orange colour. I wanted RED matching CNY mood marr.. but too bad is out of stock. 

Baby HTC HD2 is a phone running Window7 but i heard Android Market can be run in it now . For like superb excited , I get my dad to bring it to the PROS asap !! 
NOW , Baby HD2 can run both Window7 and Android!! YAY!!
opps. reflexion of my table lamp. sowwii ! :o

Orange colour also not that bad lar. Striking mar. 

Here's some of the screenshots of the Android platform in my phone. loves my cell decoration on dock. =]

 ♥ my live wallpapers. snowwyyyy!! =]

i love android facebook chat where you can record voice , video msg and pictures to chat with your friends. 
yay to GOcHAT!! 
and purposely put SEOUL on the dock too. heeeessss. love Korea. 

We can even get updated with the latest weather. we need this so much as weather these days did so much sudden changes. prepare ourself if is raining. :))) 

I downloaded quite a number of games. capture some of it here. There are so much to download in Android Market. i wish i could have it all in one day. hahahaha. 

The top list application in Baby HD2. 

Facebook is a Must.
Twitter is a Need.
Sina Weibo is a Compulsary. 

superb ♥ em' !!! 

Application in Android Market makes life superb convenient. 
Download books ,wikipedia , or any reading that you prefer just with simple click.

Most important , i can blog and keep you guys updated with my routines through Blogger droid. 

Here comes my favourite part. Photography!! woohoo.
Capture and Edit in a minute !! Photoshop Photoshop!! 
I can even do sketching and drawing with Android platform. It keeps my artz portfolio updated. 

Next would be Retro Camera. Loves retro cammie so much. 
Thank god i cancelled my decision buying Cheki polariod cam or LOMO.

because it is such a waste when i could have all the LOMO and Polariod effect in Retro Camera. 

i could do polariod now !! so happy!! =]

capture my fav drink in polariod.

fav magazine in polariod

artz in Lomo.

my student in polariod. 

Even now , capture my self pix with polariod.
okay , you can see i am over obssesed with polariod. yes i am. 

Gotta get more apps now. Android is as good as Apple. That is why i am no Iphone fans. sowwi.

Just for a little sharing today. Love Baby HD2 sooo much. 


 , gnireyhs . 


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